Our Staff
Suzanne Brown, District Operations Manager, provides leadership and assistance to the LSWCD Board of Directors in the day to day coordination and direction of District operations. Suzanne assists the Directors in the development of relevant policies and procedures and helps manage the District’s environmental education work. suzie.brown@lswcd.org
Kris Dennen, Program Assistant, maintains the District Cooperator Database which outlines plan compliance in the Land Use and Ag/Forestal districts. She also supports a variety of duties as needed. kris.dennen@lswcd.org
Chris Van Vlack, Urban/Ag Conservationist, supports farmers with implementing conservation farm plans. This work includes state and locally funded cost share projects like fencing horses, cattle, and other livestock out of streams, and providing water systems for livestock. Chris also works with the suburban community in Loudoun with the Virginia Conservation Assistance Program to help with homeowner and HOA scale conservation projects like rainwater harvesting, dry wells, conservation landscaping, and rain gardens. chris.vanvlack@lswcd.org
Pat McIlvaine, Senior Conservation Specialist, performs professional and technical work relative to the promotion of the Virginia Agricultural Best Management Practices (BMPs) programs for the Loudoun Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD). She provides technical assistance in carrying out implementation plans and performs on-site inspections to determine feasibility of conservation measures in the urban and agricultural community. pat.mcilvaine@lswcd.org
Jay Frankenfield, Conservation Specialist III, supports the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Best Management Practices Program (BMPs). He provides technical assistance in carrying out implementation plans and performs on-site inspections to determine feasibility of conservation measures in the urban and agricultural community. He also administers the Septic Pump-out Rebate Program. jay.frankenfield@lswcd.org
Kay Powell, Conservation Specialist, supports the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Best Management Practices Program (BMPs). She provides technical assistance in carrying out implementation plans and performs on-site inspections to determine feasibility of conservation measures in the urban and agricultural community. She also supports the educational efforts of the district. kaylea.powell@lswcd.org
Robert Wilbur,Conservation Specialist I, supports the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Best Management Practices Program (BMPs). He provides technical assistance in carrying out implementation plans, performing on-site inspections and using soil and manure management to improve agricultural land across the urban and agricultural community. Robert is also a Virginia Nutrient Management Plan (NMP) writer for agriculture. robert.wilbur@lswcd.org
Fletcher Dilldine,Conservation Specialist I, supports the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Best Management Practices Program (BMPs). He provides technical assistance in carrying out implementation plans and performs on-site inspections to determine feasibility of conservation measures in the urban and agricultural community. fletcher.dilldine@lswcd.org
Jennifer Venable,Conservation Specialist, supports the Virginia Agricultural Cost-Share Best Management Practices Program (BMPs). She provides technical assistance in carrying out implementation plans and performs on-site inspections to determine feasibility of conservation measures in the urban and agricultural community.
Jessie Freeland, Education Outreach Specialist, develops and presents environmental education programs for K-12 school students and teachers to assist with the locality’s stormwater environmental and conservation education needs. She also supports other LSWCD conservation education programs such as Envirothon, Storm Drain Marking, Teacher Mini-Grants, Soil & Water Poster Contest, the LSWCD website and produces the quarterly Conservation Education Newsletter. jessie.freeland@lswcd.org