The District is a political subdivision of the Commonwealth of Virginia. It works with Federal, State, and local authorities and the private sector to address Loudoun’s soil and water conservation needs. It promotes educational and technical programs in the field of natural resources conservation, provides advice on the handling of conservation issues to governmental entities and private citizens, and administers programs aimed at specific goals.
District operations are directed by a Board of five Directors (three elected in the general election process, two appointed by the Virginia Soil and Water Conservation Board) and carried out by professional staff. Conservation efforts are further enhanced by the District’s Associate Directors and the programs of cooperating agencies.
State and local appropriations, grants, and proceeds from District special programs account for the District’s income. The District is professionally audited on a regular basis.
District Directors, staff, and representatives of cooperating agencies meet the second Thursday of each month. Please check our calendar for actual dates. The public is welcome to attend. Board work sessions and standing committee meetings are held as needed.