The following are Presentations or Conservation Checkouts that can be scheduled through our Education Specialist. Grades suggested are based on Virginia Science Standards of Learning correlations. We can present the lessons to other grades or groups. There is no charge for LSWCD Lessons. Lessons listed as Presentations are facilitated by the LSWCD Education Specialist. All of the lessons are interactive and participatory with the students.
Conservation Checkouts have all materials needed (unless noted) for another instructor to present. Lesson plans are included in the Checkout. Lesson plans are available via email upon request.
Loudoun SWCD can provide training for conservation education materials that schools and instructors may already have, such as the Enviroscape Watershed Model. We can also provide help or suggestions with MWEE (Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience), One to the World and conservation Project Based Learning.
Please contact our Education Specialist for more information.
(571) 918-4530 ext. 109
Freddy the Fish Grades K, 1—Presentation or Checkout, One Class,
Students at desks; 30 min (+15 prep) This is a fun and highly participatory activity to discuss how humans affect life processes and water quality. Each student is able to participate with their own ‘stream’ and ‘fish.’
SOL SCI.K.1, K.6, K.7, K.11 Observation, Prediction, Water, Living, Animal Needs, Water Quality, Resource impact
SOL SCI.1.1, 1.8 Observation, Prediction, Water Quality, Natural Resource, Pollution
The 3 R’s – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle Grades K, 1, 2—Presentation or Checkout, One Class, 25 min (+5 prep) The 3 R’s is a fun program to teach about Reducing, Reusing and Recycling. The lesson is integrated into Recycling Relay, an interactive game that involves each student in the deciding how items should be disposed.
SOL SCI.K.11 Recycling, Reuse, Natural Resources, Conservation
SOL SCI.1.8 Recycling, Reuse, Natural Resources, Conservation
SOL SCI.2.5 Living Things, Habitat impact
The World Beneath Your Feet Grades K, 1, 2—Checkout, One Class, Grassy area outside, 20 min (+ 10 prep) Students begin thinking like scientists as they make observations about what is in a patch of their schoolyard. This Checkout includes a Lesson Plan, Observation Sheets, Clipboards, Investigation Tools (rope, magnifier, bug box, tweezers, trowel, ruler, misters) for teams of 2-3, and thermometer.
SOL SCI.K.1, K.2, K.6, K.7, K.10 Observation, Senses, Living, Nonliving, Plants, Light, Shade, Soil
SOL SCI.1.1, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6 Observation, Senses, Simple Tools, Plants, Habitat, Sun
SOL SCI.2.1, 2.5, 2.8 Observation, Prediction, Data, Living, Nonliving, Habitat, Plants
Dirt Buddies Grades K, 1, 2, 3—Checkout, One Class, Tabletop, 20 min (+10 prep) Grow your own grassy-haired dirt buddy! This is a fun classroom activity that explores observing change over time as grass grows on the dirt buddy heads. All supplies and instructions are included for this Conservation Checkout. No lesson but a good accompanying activity.
SOL SCI.K.1, K.7, K.9, K.10 Observation, Plants, Life Cycle, Plant Growth; Change
SOL SCI.1.1, 1.4, 1.6 Observation, Plants, Plant Growth; Sunlight
SOL SCI.2.1, 2.4 Observation, Life Processes, Life Cycle SOL SCI.3.1, 3.6 Observation, Soil, Life Cycle
The Incredible Journey Water Cycle Grades 2, 3—Presentation or Checkout, One Class, Tabletop, 20 min (+10 prep) Students will take a journey as a raindrop and move through the water cycle. As they move, they will collect beads to create a bracelet representing their movements throughout the water cycle. Adapted from Project Wet’s The Incredible Journey.
SOL SCI.2.1, 2.3 Observation, Water Cycle, Changes in Matter, Liquid, Gas, Evaporation, Condensation, Pollution
SOL SCI.3.1, 3.7, 3.8 Observation, Water Cycle, Conservation, Human Influence, Pollution
Worms on the Go Grades K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5—Presentation, One Class, Students at desks; 35 min (+15 prep)
999 of my best friends and I come teach your class about worms, soil and composting. The first half is a lesson on the worms: anatomy, their role in the food web and their importance to our soil. Then students get up close and personal with red wriggler worms. Depending on the time, each student can meet a worm to explore or come visit at a station with me.
SOL SCI.K.1, K.6, K.7, K.10, K.11 Observation, Living Organism, Habitat, Life Cycle, Natural Change, Conservation, Natural Resource
SOL SCI.1.1, 1.5, 1.8 Observation, Habitat, Basic Needs, Physical Characteristics, Natural Resource
SOL SCI.2.1, 2.4, 2.5, 2.8 Life Processes, Life Cycles, Living Systems, Habitat, Natural Resource, Plants as Food
SOL SCI.3.1, 3.4, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8 Behavioral Adaptations, Decomposer, Food Chain, Natural Resources, Conservation, Soil, Life Cycles, Interdependency, Renewal
SOL SCI.4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.8 Living Systems, Food Webs, Natural Resources
SOL SCI.5.1 Scientific Practices, Living Systems
Soil Studies Grade 3—Presentation or Checkout, One Class, Tabletop, 25 minutes (+5 prep)
Explore what comes from soil, what is soil and describing soil with your students. Each student creates their own soil tube to keep. This is a great lesson to pair with the Soil Tunnel. This can be a Presentation or a Conservation Checkout. For the Checkout, the lesson plan, visual aids and supplies are provided.
SOL SCI.3.1, 3.5, 3.6, 3.8 Soil, Components of Soil, Natural Resource
Enviroscape Watershed Model Grades 3,4,5,6,7—Presentation*, One Class, Tabletop, 45 min (+15 prep)The Enviroscape Watershed is an interactive table-top model used to demonstrate watersheds and the human impact on water quality. Students participate in contaminating the watershed through non-toxic ‘pollutants’ and create a rainstorm to illustrate the movement of water and pollutants through the watershed. Training is available for schools with their own Enviroscape Model. *Checkout available for grades 6 & up
SOL SCI.3.1, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 Models, Natural Resource, Watershed, Water Cycle, Water Quality, Human Impact
SOL SCI.4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 4.8 Models, Human Impact, Watershed, Water Resource, Pollution
SOL SCI.5.1, 5.8, 5.9 Models, Human Impact, Weather, Erosion
SOL SCI.6.1, 6.6, 6.8, 6.9 Models, Human Impact, Watershed, Water Resource, Pollution, Best Management Practices
Jeopardy – Conservation, Waste Management or Water Grades 4, 5, 6—Presentation, Checkout or PowerPoint File, One class, Open area in front of classroom, place to hang question board, 45 min (+15 prep)
**Now available as a PowerPoint as well** Bring the popular game show into your classroom with an educational twist. This exciting, fast-paced game has three options, general Conservation, Waste Management (trash & recycling) or Water. Contact Education Specialist for SOLs.