Loudoun Invasive Plant Removal Pilot Program
The application window for the pilot is now closed.
The pilot projects selected are:
Aldie Estates HOA
Brookmeade HOA
Church Mills HOA
Countryside HOA
One Loudoun HOA
Flora and Fauna Farmstead
The invasive tree pictured above is a Bradford Pear (cultivar of Callery Pear). It often spreads quickly on roadsides and disturbed soils. The early spring blooming of it’s foul smelling white flower makes the degree of infestation especially noticeable. (www.invasivespeciesva.org)
What is the Loudoun Invasive Plant Removal Pilot Program?
The Loudoun Invasive Plant Removal Pilot Program is a pilot program which is addressing invasive plant species management in Loudoun County.
What is an Invasive Plant?
Invasive plants are “species intentionally or accidentally introduced by human activity into a region in which they did not evolve and cause harm to natural resources, economic activity or humans.” (DCR, Available at: www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/invspinfo)
Why are Invasive Plants a problem?
- Invasive species have contributed to the decline of 42% of U.S. endangered and threatened species, and for 18% of U.S. endangered or threatened species, invasive plants are the main cause of their decline.
- Invasive species compete directly with native species for moisture, sunlight, nutrients, and space.
- Overall plant diversity can be decreased
- Establishment and spread of invasive species can degrade wildlife habitat
- Results in poor quality agriculture lands
- Degraded water quality
- Increased soil erosion
- Decreased recreation opportunities
(U.S Forest Service, Available at: www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/invasives/index.shtml )
Who is eligible for the pilot program?
Landowners in Loudoun County who have invasive plants on their property are eligible. This includes private land, commercial/industrial properties, or Home Owners Association property.
What invasive plants are targeted for removal during the pilot program?
Invasive plants targeted for removal must be listed on the Virginia DCR Invasive Plant
Species List or the Virginia Noxious Weeds List. See links below.
Virginia DCR Invasive plant list – https://www.dcr.virginia.gov/natural-heritage/document/nh-invasive-plant-list-2023.pdf
Noxious Weeds list – https://law.lis.virginia.gov/admincode/title2/agency5/chapter317/section20/.
Priority will be given to species ranked high or medium by DCR for in Virginia.
How does the program work?
Landowners who have invasive species on their property may apply. Potential projects will be reviewed and up to six projects will be chosen for the pilot program (ending June 30, 2025).
Check out the program fact sheet here for more details.
How does the reimbursement work?
Landowners will submit proof of payment for work completed and will be reimbursed after an inspection is completed.
What do I have to plant?
The restored area will be replanted with regionally native grasses, forbs (flowers), shrubs and/or trees according to a planting plan (including a map) prepared by Virginia Department of Forestry, Leesburg or Loudoun County Urban Forester, Loudoun Soil & Water Conservation District and/or Virginia Cooperative Extension. The chosen species should be straight species (use nativars sparingly, and ideally not at all) and strive to choose plants that are “native” or “uncertain” status for Loudoun County according to the Digital Atlas of Virginia Flora. www.vaplantatlas.org
How do I apply?
The application window is now closed.
Where can I buy Virginia natvies (grasses/shrubs/forbs/trees)?
Most native plant nurseries would provide local native species. Find a list here: www.plantnovanatives.org/native-only-sellers
Where can I learn more about the program?
Check out the program fact sheet.
Contact Kay Powell at Kaylea.Powell@lswcd.org or Jennifer Venable at Jennifer.Venable@lswcd.org for questions.